
Why You Should Switch to a Tankless Water Heater

By Hi Tech Plumbing And Air

The end of the year is approaching, which means it’s time to begin thinking about home upgrades and changes. The first items on your upgrade itinerary might be the big flashy ones that improve the aesthetics of your home—for instance, replacing your furniture, updating the paint color on the walls, swapping out plumbing fixtures, etc. But those upgrades are purely cosmetic. Why not go for a change that will improve your comfort, increase convenience, and make your home more efficient?

That’s right; we’re talking about upgrading your old conventional water heater to a new tankless model.

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There are a number of reasons to consider making the change to a tankless water heater. Here are our top reasons:

  1. You’ll never run out of hot water again. With a tankless water heater, there is no set amount of hot water available at one time. The water is constantly being heated and flowing through your showerheads and faucets.
  2. They’re more efficient. Because tankless water heaters don’t have 40 to 80-gallon water tanks to keep hot at all times, tankless models are far more energy-efficient.
  3. Energy efficiency leads to savings. The more energy you save, the less you spend on energy costs. Who doesn’t love saving money? While a tankless water heater’s installation and the purchase price are higher than a conventional model, you’ll make up for it in time with energy savings.

If you have more questions before diving into this transition or want an inspection and consultation on the project, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. Our experts at Hi-Tech Plumbing & Air, Inc. would be happy to assist in this process.

Visit our website to learn more about our services and products, or give us a call at (561) 220-3107 to speak with a representative directly!
